Nationwide survey of children and young people

Following the success of the first survey of its kind in the UK last year, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales is today launching another listening exercise, asking Wales’ children and young people for their current views and opinions of the effect of the pandemic on various aspects of their lives.


Working with the Welsh Government, Children in Wales and Welsh Youth Parliament, nearly 24,000 responses were received to the first survey, which launched in May last year, the results of which have shaped decision-making by local governments and the Welsh Government. As restrictions continue, the Commissioner and partners are keen to hear children and young people’s first-hand views on key themes and issues including their health and wellbeing, education, the impact on social aspects of their lives and the needs of specific groups.


The results of the ‘Coronavirus and Me’ consultation will be made available to Welsh Government ahead of the 3-week review in mid-February, which is likely to be considering next steps on restrictions on schools, colleges, sport and leisure facilities and rules for social gatherings – all of which have enormous impacts on children and young people’s lives.


The survey has been developed and tested with children and young people.

We need your help to ensure that as many children as possible have a chance to have their say.

Please note that the survey makes clear where children can seek help if they are affected by any of the topics in the survey.

The survey is here. We’d expect it to take children 15 minutes to complete and they can do it on any device by following the link. Closing date is Friday, 29 January 2021.


How to use the survey:

  • Please use your existing networks to get this survey out to as many children as possible, using your usual communication channels, including social media. There is a drafted social media post at the end of this message, please feel free to use it. There’s also a video that can be downloaded and shared.


  • For those children who you know might not have the internet at home, we’re hoping you might be able to find the time to do the survey with them over the phone during any regular check-ins you’re already doing. It would mean the member of staff opening the survey and inputting the answers as they’re given over the phone.


  • The web survey has three options: one for children aged 7-11; one for young people aged 12-18; and one accessible survey that uses widget symbols to support the text.  Children can choose the right one for them. All three surveys have the same link.


  • We’ve also given the option for children under the age of 7 to complete a picture or write a message to have their say. You might decide that this is an accessible option for some children in other age groups too.


You can choose the best way for you to share with children or parents, but please feel free to use this text:

People who can make a difference to your life want to hear from you about how life has been like over the last few weeks.


The Children’s Commissioner for Wales, the Youth Parliament and Children in Wales have been working with the Welsh Government, to make sure that they hear and listen to what you have to say. All of those people want to make sure they are doing their best for all children and young people in Wales. They want to make sure that they are giving you the information and support you need to feel as happy as possible during this time and afterwards.


The survey should take you around 15 minutes.

 The survey closes on 29 January 2021.

Please share your views. The survey is on this link:

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