
Gowerton Year 11s Triumph with Last Gasp Winner

Gowerton Year 11’s scored a last minute winner to get their season off to a victorious start away at Penyrheol. Gowerton took the lead...   Read More

Four out of four for year 7, 8 and 9 rugby teams

Tuesday 10th October 2018 Year 7 double up at Bryntawe. Gowerton year 7 travelled to Bryntawe to play two games and returned with two...   Read More

Info for Shwmae Day / Sports Day for Years 7, 8 & 9

Info for Shwmae Day / Sports Day – Years 7, 8  & 9 – Monday 15th October Pupils to wear non-uniform / PE kit (suitable...   Read More

Year 7 continuing to make progress.

Thursday 4th October 2018. Year 7 continuing to make progress. Gowerton year 7: 7 Bishopston: 0 Gowerton year 7 showed that they are developing...   Read More

Transition Event Success

We were so pleased to see such outstanding attendance for our recent Open Events. It was a pleasure to tour the school with almost...   Read More


‘Shwmae Day’ incorporating The Annual Charity Event for Years 7 – 9 in Memory of Beverly Edwards Monday 15th October 2018 These events will...   Read More

Friendship the winner when Australian girls travel to Wales.

Friendship the winner when Australian girls travel to Wales. Gowerton School maintained their tradition for hosting sporting students from overseas when they billeted a...   Read More

Gowerton School Equestrian Team

  Yes, Gowerton School now has an Equestrian Team! Riders took part in a Show Jumping event at Pibwrlwyd college, Carmarthen this weekend. The...   Read More

St Davids Day Festival Disneyland Paris Trip – Payment information

Just a reminder the final payment of £100 for the Disneyland trip is due by Thursday 18th of October. Some July payments of £100...   Read More

Year 7 and 1st XV find it tough against neighbours.

Monday 24th September 2018. Year 7 find it tough against neighbours. Gwyr year 7: 37 Gowerton year 7: 14. Year 7 travelled across Park...   Read More

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