
Emergency Childcare for Key workers

If you are a key worker and require emergency childcare, please complete the request form below.  You do not need to complete if you...   Read More

Free School Meal information

If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, you can collect a ‘grab and go’ bag from your nearest open school (Gowerton comp,...   Read More

Remote Learning – Microsoft Teams Issue

We are aware of an issue which is limiting/stopping the use of Microsoft Teams for pupils to complete work. The issue has been reported...   Read More

Year 10 External Exams information

Year 10 learners – There will be no external exams this summer.  Most Year 10 learners were due to sit one or more units that would have led to...   Read More

Welsh Government Advice – Supporting children and young people’s mental health and well-being

Please see the latest Government Advice on supporting children and young people’s mental health and well-being. Click Here

Emergency Childcare request

Emergency childcare for critical key workers Gowerton School is able to offer emergency childcare for its pupils whose parents are classed as ‘Critical key...   Read More

Message for Gowerton pupils March 26th 2020

Gowerton school is very quiet without its pupils. We hope all pupils are settling into a new routine.   We want you to try...   Read More

Infection control advice for pupils, parents and staff attending a childcare setting – 24.3.2020

Please click on the link below for important information for anyone visiting a childcare setting: Advice for pupils and staff attending a childcare setting...   Read More

External Examinations update

Please click below for the latest communication from Qualifications Wales: Statement from Qualifications Wales

Update for parents – Free School Meals – 23/3/2020

Update for Parents – Free School Meals information Please complete the attached form before 9am if your child is eligible for Free School Meals...   Read More

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