
Netball Report Thursday 25th January

Last Thursday the year 8 netball team had a dramatic match against Pontarddulais. The overall result was 4-3 to Gowerton. Gowerton got off to...   Read More

Important information regarding the Disneyland Paris trip.

All pupils need to bring in their consent forms to the main office as soon as possible. Spare consent forms are available from Gofal....   Read More

Disneyland Trip March 2018 – Parent/Guardian Meeting 22/01/2018

AMSTERDAM TRIP – Travel Update – Estimated Arrival Time

Currently at Membury Services and about to make the last stretch home. Coach driver estimates arrival at Park Road, Gowerton between 4.30 and 5.30pm

AMSTERDAM TRIP – Travel update

We have received news that our pupils and staff have landed safely at South End. The coach is waiting at the airport to bring...   Read More


The group visiting Amsterdam have been told their flight is cancelled. The next available flight will be tomorrow morning. All parents please pass on...   Read More

Christmas Jumper Day 2017

Thursday 14th December is Christmas Jumper Day at Gowerton.  Pupils can wear non school uniform and pay £1 towards our chosen charity, Golau Cancer Care...   Read More

Hockey Report by Megan Walker

On the 6th December the year 8 Gowerton girls hockey team played a match against Gwyr. We had good performances from Iris Evans, Rosie...   Read More

Girls Football Match Report – 6th December 2017

In the match on Wednesday afternoon it was a cold, rainy game against Brynteg School. We had Year 9 and Year 10, we played well as a...   Read More

Llangrannog Residential – Final Payment Reminder

The final payment of £100 for our residential trip to Llangrannog on January 12-14th 2018  is now due by the 15th of December. Please...   Read More

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