
Year 9 and 10 football tour to the Netherlands

Year 9 and 10 football tour to the Netherlands: 1st April – 6th April 2023 As stated in letters taken home by pupils last...   Read More

Year 6 Guided Tours

Calling all Year 6 Parents/Carers! The time has come to think about the next step for your child after Primary school. Parents/carers and pupils...   Read More

Year 7 Llangrannog Residential January 2023

The Welsh Department is offering the opportunity for Year 7 Pupils to attend a weekend residential trip to the Urdd Camp at Llangrannog. The date of the weekend will...   Read More

Disneyland Payment Information

Pupils initially paid £100 deposit to secure a place on the trip. All pupils should have been issued with payment cards which we record...   Read More

Reminder to parents/carers

Pupils should wear school uniform and bring kit in thier bag for PE lessons. Last summer pupils were allowed to wear PE kit to...   Read More

Information regarding the start of term

The arrangements for the start of the Autumn term are as follows: Staff will have 2 days of training on Monday 5th and Tuesday...   Read More

Farewell Mr N. Jones!

Gowerton School would like to thank Mr Nigel Jones for his dedication and excellent leadership over the last 6 years as Headteacher. Throughout his...   Read More

Results Days 2022

A/AS Level results day is Thursday August 18th 2022 & GCSE results day is Thursday August 25th 2022 You can collect your results from...   Read More

Letter to Parents – Future Year 11 2022

PGL Residential Trip 2023

After a recent successful residential to PGL we are looking to run a PGL residential in the summer of 2023.  If your child is...   Read More

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