Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update

As a school we fully understand that there is a great deal of concern surrounding the coronavirus outbreak. We totally understand everyone’s concern and we are following the guidelines provided by Public Health Wales, Foreign and Commonwealth Office also advice provided by the Local Authority and the Welsh Government (see link below).

We have postponed the ski trip to Austria and the sports tour to Malta and looking at alternative dates for later in the year or when is appropriate. The Geography excursion to Naples is taking longer to resolve as there are complications on the flights. We are seeking a full refund in the first instance or a postponement as an alternative. We will inform relevant parties as and when we are able to provide a clear update.

In relation to the virus itself we have, at the time of writing this post, no confirmed cases at Gowerton School. If anyone who is connected to the school is feeling unwell or is concerned about their health, we have followed the guidelines to the letter and advised accordingly. If someone should contact the school to say they have a confirmed case of Covid19 then Health would lead and advise us all accordingly. We understand that these are uncertain times and people are naturally frightened and wanting as much information as possible. Given the fast-changing nature of the current situation we are in regular contact with the Local Authority. We will continue to provide further information when we receive updates.

Thank you for your patience and understanding at a particularly difficult time for everyone.


Message from the Local Authority for parents: 

As we continue to follow UK, Welsh Government and Public Health Wales advice, the Council has advised us that all schools in Swansea are open as normal on Monday. The situation is being kept under continuous review and we will advise immediately if something changes. It is also worth noting that the number of days any school is open and the date of school holidays are decided by the Welsh Government and not the Council’.


No additional measures need to be taken above the advice already provided by Public Health Wales.


If you need any further information please go to: and there is also general information here for the public:

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