
Welcoming our new Year 7!

This week, year 6 pupils from local primary schools will be taking their first steps into life at Gowerton. Pupils will experience four days...   Read More

Rock of Ages

What a fantastic three evenings of performances given be our wonderful cast this last week! Despite the warm weather, the show did go on,...   Read More

Rounders Results

Pupils from Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr played Rounders against our year 7 pupils. The event was officiated by Year 10 many thanks to them on...   Read More

Triathlon Success

Gowerton pupils took part in the Go Tri Triathlon event last week at Penlan Leisure Centre. All pupils successfully completed the course Cieron Williams...   Read More

Cadet Success

This year three year 9 pupils have been chosen for an event called target rifle.   Target rifle is a county shooting team were young cadets have the chance...   Read More


As the warm weather continues into next week, pupils will be permitted to wear the Gowerton School PE kit for a further week. Ensure...   Read More

PGL – updated arrival time

PGL pupils are due back in Park Road between 5.30 and 5.45pm.  Please can parents ensure they are there to meet children. Thank you.


As you are aware, we depart tomorrow for our long weekend away at PGL, Osmington Bay. Although the weather is due to be kind...   Read More

Year 11 Prom 26/6/18

Just a reminder that pupils should not be arriving prior to 5.30pm. Could all pick ups be arranged for between 10.30pm – 11pm please....   Read More

Year 11 School Photos

Year 11 photos are now available to collect from the school reception.

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