
Stop Press match results

Matthew Flinders hockey: 2 Gowerton: 0 Gowerton player of the match: Hannah Williams. Matthew Flinders netball: 28 Gowerton: 19 Gowerton player of the match:...   Read More

Gowerton School Tamworth and Australia Zoo

Gowerton School Underwater World Sunshine Coast

Day 15: Monday 5th August

Before I had gone to bed last evening, I watched some cricket. My wife, Helen, had told me via Skype (what a fantastic innovation...   Read More

Day 14: Sunday 4th August:

I wake at 6. 45am. Good news-Pietersen’s scored 100 and Ian Bell 60. Englandare nearly 300 for 7. Even better news-Rain is forecast for...   Read More

Day 13: Saturday 3rd August

I wake at 6.45am. My first thought is to check on the cricket. It hasn’t got any better, Australia had scored 520 and declared...   Read More

Hitting the headlines!  

Sydney days 4 and 5

Day 12: Friday 2nd August

Englandare in strife!!!  I wake at 6.45 am and turn the TV on to find out the test score.  Michael Clarke has scored an...   Read More

Stop press: Match results

Calrossy/William Cowper: 70 Gowerton netball: 19 Player of the match: Emma Kieft Calrossy/ William Cowper: 5 Gowerton hockey: 0 Player of the match: Alycia...   Read More

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