
Poppy Appeal – Items for sale

Items currently available to buy from the school office to support The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal: Pencil – 50p Keyring – 50p Die...   Read More

Gowerton Year 11s Triumph with Last Gasp Winner

Gowerton Year 11’s scored a last minute winner to get their season off to a victorious start away at Penyrheol. Gowerton took the lead...   Read More

Info for Shwmae Day / Sports Day for Years 7, 8 & 9

Info for Shwmae Day / Sports Day – Years 7, 8  & 9 – Monday 15th October Pupils to wear non-uniform / PE kit (suitable...   Read More

Gowerton School Equestrian Team

  Yes, Gowerton School now has an Equestrian Team! Riders took part in a Show Jumping event at Pibwrlwyd college, Carmarthen this weekend. The...   Read More

St Davids Day Festival Disneyland Paris Trip – Payment information

Just a reminder the final payment of £100 for the Disneyland trip is due by Thursday 18th of October. Some July payments of £100...   Read More

Science Club visit Swansea University

The pupils in Science club attended a tour of the robotics labs, in the engineering department, at Swansea University. They learned all about various types of...   Read More

Sports/Community Days

A few photographs from our Sports/Community Days at school over the past week. Staff Race!

End of Term Trip Information for Parents

School will be non school uniform for the forthcoming Trips/Activities Days – Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th July 2018 GO Air Trampoline Activity: Parents...   Read More

Rock of Ages

What a fantastic three evenings of performances given be our wonderful cast this last week! Despite the warm weather, the show did go on,...   Read More

Rounders Results

Pupils from Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr played Rounders against our year 7 pupils. The event was officiated by Year 10 many thanks to them on...   Read More

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