
GCSE Examinations for Year 11 – Timetable & Revision Sessions

Please find below the GCSE Examinations timetable for Year 11, which also details special REVISION SESSIONS that have been scheduled during the exam period.  Exams and...   Read More

Gowerton School Key Stage 3 Summer Term Workplans

The attached documents show the topics Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students will be looking at during this term in their various...   Read More

Gowerton School National Reading & Numeracy Tests 2015

The National Reading & Numeracy Tests for Years 7, 8 & 9 will be taking place in school between April 29th and May 6th....   Read More


Please ensure your child makes every effort to attend the After School Exam Preparation Sessions for English Language and Literature. These are open to all Year 11 pupils...   Read More

From The Headteacher’s Desk

As you probably know, the Welsh Government National Categorisation of Schools was published on 29th January 2015.  Gowerton was ranked joint 5th highest in Wales. ...   Read More

From the Headteacher’s Desk

I want to share with you a communication just received from City and County of Swansea and ERW, telling me that we are “a...   Read More


The January 2015 External Exam series results day is Thursday, 5th March 2015. Pupils can collect  their results from 8.00 a.m. in the Pupil...   Read More


All pupils and students are back to school on Monday of this week. There is no INSET and school lessons begin as normal for...   Read More

From the Headteacher’s desk

It was a long, long time ago that we started the new school year.  Four months have passed, filled with hard work, quality recreation...   Read More

Welsh Baccalaureate

As part of their studies into the impact of economic and technological change in Wales, Year 12, Welsh Baccalaureate students visited the National Waterfront...   Read More

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