
Siarter Iaith Gymraeg – Letter to Parents

Siarter Iaith Gymraeg at Gowerton School   Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr/Dear Parents and Carers, I am writing to you in regards to Siarter Iaith...   Read More

Qualifications Wales – INFORMATION ABOUT EXAMS IN 2022

Please follow the link below to information from Qualifications Wales regarding Examinations in 2022. Qualifications Wales – Arrangements for 2022

Year 6 Guided Tours – September 2021

At this time of year our ‘transition team’ would normally be visiting our partner primary schools and meeting the year 6 pupils. Unfortunately due...   Read More

Congratulations AS/A Level Students!!

 Congratulations to our A level and AS level pupils. We are so proud of you all. It has been a difficult year but you...   Read More

Year 9/Bus 304 Pupils – No need to isolate!

Year 9/Bus 304 Pupils Following TTP advice we were advised for Year 9 and Bus 304 pupils to isolate until a result for a...   Read More

Photography Showcase 2021

We are incredibly proud to showcase the work of our Years 11, 12 & 13 Photography groups work from the last year. Well done...   Read More

Lateral Flow Testing for pupils

A reminder to continue to test twice a week – Monday and Thursday morning. This is especially important with the spread of the Delta...   Read More

Year 10 Parents Evening Information

Parents’ evening for Year 10 pupils will be held on Tuesday 22nd June 4-6pm. This will be conducted virtually on our SchoolCloud website. Information...   Read More

Letter to Learners – Qualifications Wales

Please click here to see the letter to learners.


Date  Event  Tuesday 27th April  Year 13 Virtual Parents Evening  Wednesday 5th May  Year 11 Virtual Parents Evening  Thursday 13th May  Year 12 Virtual Parents Evening  Tuesday...   Read More

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