Cadet Success

This year three year 9 pupils have been chosen for an event called target rifle.


Target rifle is a county shooting team were young cadets have the chance to go away on several weekends and shoot at targets with a rifle from distances of   100, 300 and 500 meters on a range Charlotte, Bethany and April have thoroughly enjoyed shooting for their first year they have shown great promise with the very little experience they have.  the next step for the girls is Bisley this is an amazing experience for them as they can develop there shooting skills and have a week of fun with the new friends they have made.  


The last shooting event was the big competition it was such a fun day for everyone. Bethany and Charlotte did exceptional shooting and   while April was not put forward to shoot in the competition she had a great time in the butts and also did very well. The butt team plays a huge part in making the competition flow successfully because they have to stand in the heat of the sun pulling the huge targets down patching the holes and then pushing them back up all in a matter of seconds so they work very hard. 


This week Charlotte will be travelling up to Bisley in England to proceed training with her rifle for the big competitions   the following weekend, Bethany will also be taking part in this competition however she will not have the week for training as it is all down to scores in the previous competition and if Charlotte and Bethany do well in the competition they will have the opportunity to travel to different countries like Canada and south America to compete and as this is not expected for their first year it is definitely not impossible with the amount of progress they have made so far. 

As this is their first year of shooting we are very proud of how far they have come they have loved every part of target rifle and hope to do it again next year but with more experience. 

Da iawn merched!

Comments ( 1 )
  1. well done Charlotte from you proud sister Chloe and empressed grandma xxxx

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