

Tuesday 1st October 6.00-7.00pm The evening will  give parents an opportunity to learn about the ‘skills through the curriculum’ and an insight into strategies for...   Read More

Austria Ski Tour 2020 Deposits

A reminder that deposits for the Austria Ski Tour 2020 can be given in to the school office until Friday 27th September. Diolch

Music Success!

We are very proud of Year 12 student Charlotte Wheel who has achieved her Grade 8 in Musical Theatre with First Class Honours. Da...   Read More

Swimming Success – British Swimming Finals Qualification


Welsh Triathlon Performance Engagement Days in Swansea

Welsh Triathlon are giving the opportunity for anyone who is interested in taking part in triathlons to be part of an engagement day on...   Read More

Extra Curricular PE Consent

Dear Parent/Guardian, The Physical Education department would appreciate your help in ensuring that we have the details of your son/daughter in order that we...   Read More

Glan-llyn Residential Information 27th-29th September

Please see the recommended kit list from Glan-llyn below: Please note a sleeping bag and pillow case are required. Consent forms have been sent...   Read More

Year 7 & 10 Photographs – This Friday

Both Year 7 and Year 10 pupils will be having their school photographs taken this Friday (6th September).


Tuesday 3rd September – All prospective Year 12’s enrolment day. All prospective year 12’s to be in the Drama Studio for 9:00am.   Friday 6th September All...   Read More

Another Successful Year! GCSE Results 2019

Another successful set of results for Gowerton School. Mr Nigel Jones, Headteacher, commented: “I am pleased for all pupils and staff. They have worked...   Read More

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