
Year 6 Guided Tours – Important Information

Our Year 6 guided tour booking opportunity for September/October has now ended. Year 6 Guided Tours will start today at Gowerton and run for...   Read More


School will remain open as normal for all pupils despite the recent lockdown announcement. If anybody in your immediate family has covid-19 symptoms, all...   Read More

Swansea Virtual School

If individual pupils are unwell or self isolating and require work to complete at home the Swansea Virtual School can be accessed at this...   Read More

Blended Learning Consent

At Gowerton School we understand the importance of continued learning for children even in challenging circumstances. In the current climate we are ensuring that...   Read More

Face Masks & Latest Public Health Wales information

Please can parents ensure that their child brings a face mask to school each day. The school is not responsible for providing these, and...   Read More

Well-being Support and Guidance

During lock-down Gowerton school set up a section on the website for parents and pupils to access helpful support and guidance. We work closely...   Read More

Pupil Expectations

During the first 2 weeks Mr Jones and Miss Lawlor held an assembly for every class. Although it took up a great deal of...   Read More

Year 6 – Year 7 Transition 2021

  Remember to book your Year 6 guided tour online now by clicking here

Latest Guidance from Public Health Wales

Please find attached the latest guidance from Public Health Wales. Getting Back to School and the School Run – SECONDARY- At Gowerton we continue...   Read More

Year 6 Guided Tours – Transition 2021

  Calling all Year 6 Parents/Guardians! Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic we are unable to hold our annual year 6 open evening at...   Read More

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