
Siarter Iaith Gymraeg – Letter to Parents

Siarter Iaith Gymraeg at Gowerton School   Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr/Dear Parents and Carers, I am writing to you in regards to Siarter Iaith...   Read More

Remembrance Service 2021

This year, due to the pandemic, we were unable to hold our usual Service of Remembrance. Instead we have created a virtual service which...   Read More

Sporting Fixtures this Week WC 01/11/2021

Tuesday 2nd Nov Year 7 and Year 8 rugby against Olchfa today is ON at Gowerton Rugby Club. Kick off between 3.15-3.30. Parents should...   Read More

Changes to COVID-19 Isolation rules – Letter from Director of Education

Attached is an important letter from the Director of Education outlining the changes to the self isolation rules with immediate effect.  If you have...   Read More

Flu Immunisation Drop-In Sessions

The School Nursing Service will be holding drop-in sessions for any children that were absent for their school flu spray sessions. Sessions will be...   Read More

Gowertonian Gift to the School

This month we are celebrating 125 years of education at Gowerton School. We were overwhelmed by the present we received this week from Gowertonian...   Read More

Parent/Carer Letter – Covid & Impact at Gowerton

Dear Parent/Carer, This letter is to inform you of the current situation in Gowerton School relating to the pandemic. As the Covid case rate...   Read More

Qualifications Wales – INFORMATION ABOUT EXAMS IN 2022

Please follow the link below to information from Qualifications Wales regarding Examinations in 2022. Qualifications Wales – Arrangements for 2022

Happy 125th Birthday Gowerton School

On  October 5th 1896  Gowerton Intermediate School opened at Bethel Vestry, Station Road (now Sterry Road). We are so proud to celebrate 125 years...   Read More

Parent Information W/C 4th October

A reminder of some of things taking place at Gowerton next week! Monday 4th October Individual photos for Years 7, 10 & 12 Monday...   Read More

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