
Virtual Remembrance Service 2020

At Gowerton School we have always held a Service of Remembrance on the Friday before Remembrance Sunday. This year due to the Covid 19...   Read More

Children of Armed Forces families

The SSCE Cymru mission is to provide the best possible educational support to Service children in Wales. SSCE Cymru works collaboratively with organisations across the UK...   Read More

Important Reminder: Week commencing 2nd November 2020

A quick reminder that in line with Welsh Government guidance, only pupils in Years 7 & 8 should attend school this week (unless self-isolating). Pupils in all other...   Read More


Dear Parent/Carer, Confirmed case of COVID-19 in YEAR 10 NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect trace everyone who have been in contact with a person...   Read More

Bus 304 – Confirmed case of COVID-19

Dear Parent or Carer of pupil on Bus 304, Contact of confirmed case of COVID-19 in Year 10 NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect trace...   Read More

Parent Governor Election

Parent Governor Election We are thrilled to announce that we have received 5 applications for the post of parent governor.  Please click here to read brief...   Read More

Fancy Dress Fundraiser – The Royal British Legion

With the news at the beginning of the week about the looming ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown, sixth formers took it upon themselves to decide we...   Read More

Letter to parents from the Interim Director of Education

Please click here to view the latest letter from the Interim Director of Education, Swansea Council.

Malta Tour 2020 – Fund Donation

Considering all the girls were very disappointed with not being able to go to Malta on their sports tour this year due to Covid-19...   Read More

Microsoft Teams ‘Know how’ Video

With the recent Welsh Government announcement on the ‘Circuit Breaker’ lockdown, Year 9,10,11,12&13 will now be learning from home for the week commencing, 2nd-6th...   Read More

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